BodyWork Therapy

Massage and Bodywork Therapy Work Together

Advanced BodyWork Therapy is better than massage therapy for injury treatment. When looking for a Therapist, ask yourself. “What am I really looking for?” “Am I looking for a way to relax and unwind?” For relaxation, any good spa with staff Massage Therapists will do. Choose BodyWork Therapy for more comprehensive treatment.

Address your Specific Issues

I treat specific issues. Chronic pain? Constant pain? Recurring episodes of pain? Does your pain seem to be increasing or spreading?

Are you chalking it up to aging? Is your body alignment problematic? Would you like to improve your posture? Advanced Bodywork Therapy is your answer.

BodyWork Therapists vs. Massage


Not all massage therapists do bodywork therapy.  I’m Michael Dennis, LMT. I am a Massage Therapist with Advanced Bodywork Therapy skills. My Approach combines advanced skill sets: These include Myofascial Release. And Neuromuscular Therapy. As well as Body Balancing. Also Core Integration. And YogaWork Therapy.